Product Information


USB Line

Megawin Arm® Cortex®-M0 series, with the excellent anti-interference ability and excellent encryption technology accumulated on the 8051 series MCU, built-in variable-type anti-dead zone pulse width modulation module (PWM), programmable pins, Multiplex reset resources, fast I/O processing module and fast comparator (ACMP), and equipped with high-speed peripheral UART, SPI, I2C , USB and other hardware resources... etc., which can quickly import and integrate complex control system. In addition, this series MCU also has a Numerically Controlled Oscillator and Configurable Custom Logic. It can be used in computer peripherals / medical and nursing / industrial control / ... and other applications. The maximum operating speed is 48 MHz, the capacities of Flash and SRAM are 128KB/16KB and 64KB/16KB respectively, and the operating voltage is 1.8 V~5.5V Wide voltage range.



item Operating Voltage Flash ROM Data RAM Max Operation Fequency Timer IO ADC ACMP Communication CCP DAC
MG32F02U064 1.8V~5.5V 64KB 16KB 48MHz 7+RTC 56、70 12Bit、16-CH 2 UARTx7、I2Cx2、USB、EMB、CRC、DMA、SPI、QPI、OPI 8-CH 12-Bit、1-CH
MG32F02U128 1.8V~5.5V 128KB 16KB 48MHz 7+RTC 56、70 12Bit、16-CH 2 UARTx7、I2Cx2、USB、EMB、CRC、DMA、SPI、QPI、OPI 8-CH 12-Bit、1-CH



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