Product Information

ARM Cortex-M0+

Low Power Line

The MG32L series is Megawin Technology's entry-level 32-bit low power MCU. It uses Arm® Cortex®-M0+ as the core and has the advantage of low power consumption. It is more suitable for battery-related products... and other applications.

MG32L Series (Cortex®-M0+)

item Operating Voltage Flash ROM Data RAM Max Operation Fequency Timer I O ADC ACMP Communication Package
MG32L003F8U6 2.5V~5.5V 64KB 4KB 24MHz 10+RTC 16 12Bit、15-CH 1 UARTx2、LPUART、I2C、SPI、PWM、CRC16、1-wire QFN20
MG32L003F8P6 2.5V~5.5V 64KB 4KB 24MHz 10+RTC 16 12Bit、15-CH 1 UARTx2、LPUART、I2C、SPI、PWM、CRC16、1-wire TSSOP20
MG32L003K8U6 2.5V~5.5V 64KB 4KB 24MHz 10+RTC 28 12Bit、15-CH 1 UARTx2、LPUART、I2C、SPI、PWM、CRC16、1-wire QFN32
MG32L003K8T6 2.5V~5.5V 64KB 4KB 24MHz 10+RTC 28 12Bit、15-CH 1 UARTx2、LPUART、I2C、SPI、PWM、CRC16、1-wire LQFP32



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